Back to work
Having a socially distanced out-door lunch break at Newcastle University. Great to see the team come together again! Hopefully all the group members will be able to return to work soon, both at Newcastle and Oxford.
Having a socially distanced out-door lunch break at Newcastle University. Great to see the team come together again! Hopefully all the group members will be able to return to work soon, both at Newcastle and Oxford.
Paper in JBC – Engineered anti-inflammatory peptides inspired by mapping an evasin-chemokine interaction. Our latest paper on the development of anti-inflammatory peptides inspired by tick evasins is out now in Journal of Biological Chemistry. Multi-disciplinary collaborative work with Prof. Shoumo Bhattacharya & Prof. Carol Robinson Groups, with Benoit Darlot & James Eaton from the group leading the study. This work was funded by the BHF, Oxford BHF Centre for Research Excellence and SBM.
Congratulations to Benoit Darlot who has been awarded an EPSRC Doctoral Prize to continue his work on tick protein derived anti-inflammatory peptides beyond his DPhil for a period of 6 months.
Benoit Darlot is now a committee member for the NuTEC RSC local section. He endeavours to support his local community and encourage young chemist to get their voices heard. (Blog: B.D.)
Delighted to join the SNES International Women’s Day event (Newcastle University) to celebrate the International Women’s day. It was inspiring to hear the different paths and scientific journeys that Dr Susanne Harnor, Dr Marina Freitag and Clare Fearon have taken. Thanks to the organisers for inviting me to share my experience too!
STEM for BRITAIN, Houses of Parliament, London, UK (09/03/2020). Benoit Darlot presented his poster “TherapeuTick: from tick saliva to anti-inflammatory peptides” to MPs and their guest at this prestigious event showcasing each year the finest research produced in UK universities. He had the honour to discuss his research with Chi Onwurah, MP for Newcastle Central. (blog: B.D)
Attendance at the Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Biology of Peptides 2020 in Ventura, CA, USA. (9-14/02/2020) Benoit Darlot presented his work on tick saliva protein inspired anti-inflammatory peptides to the peptide community in Ventura. Great opportunity to share the lab’s work and get inspiration from the growing peptide community. (Blog by B.D.)
Chemical biology labs were officially handed over to us last week. Thank you to the Newcastle team (including Technical Team, Estates, Procurement, Management, the contractors) for their enormous effort to set up these labs in the Bedson building. Very excited to move in and start setting up the labs!
Vincent Saverat, a visiting student from Paris Sciences et Lettres University, joins our lab for a 5 month internship to work on epigenetics chemical probes development. Welcome Vincent!