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Welcome to our new PhD Students

A warm welcome to our new PhD students who joined us on 1st October 2021. Emma Wadforth, Oliwia Rebacz, Tom Smith, and Tim Bell will be working across a number of exciting projects funded by BBSRC, EPSRC MoS Med CTD, ERC.

Congratulations Benoit!

Many congratulations to Dr Benoit Darlot on successfully defending his DPhil thesis on Design of modulatory peptides against chemokines. Benoit was an EPSRC Synthesis for Biology and Medicine CDT student, Oxford and was co-supervised by co-supervised by Prof Shoumo Bhattacharya (Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford).  He was awarded an EPSRC Doctoral Prize and continued as a postdoc in the lab for six months. As well as his sterling work on tick protein derived anti-inflammatory peptides, Benoit was an active member of the research community.  He was a member of the NU Rainbow Network steering committee and the committee for the NuTEC RSC local section where he  endeavoured to support his… Read More »Congratulations Benoit!

Congratulations Kieran

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Many congratulations to Kieran Thow for completing his Part II. Kieran made significant progress on the biochemical characterisations of TET-related enzyme. All the best for the future!

Newcastle University Rainbow Network steering committee member

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Benoit Darlot is now an active member of the NU Rainbow Network steering committee. He is investing his time and efforts to defend LGBTQ+ rights on the campus and to foster institutional change within the university to tackle EDI issues. (Blog by B.D.)

Dr Roman Belle

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Many Congratulations to Roman Belle for successfully defending his DPhil thesis titled “Histone Lysine and DNA Methylation: Dynamic Marks in the Chromatin”! Thanks to Dr Paola Arimondo from Institute Pasteur and James McCullagh for being his examiners.

2019 Part II student

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Start of the new academic year! Welcome to Kieran Thow who joined our group as a MChem Part II student.

ChemBiOX 2019

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Very well done to the Oxford-GSK-Crick Chemical Biology CDT 2017 cohort for organsing a very successful chemical biology student conference ChemBiOx 2019! Congratulations!

Dr Oliver Coleman

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Many congratulations Oliver Coleman for passing his DPhil viva! Thanks to Ali Tavassoli and Paul Brennan for being his examiners. Thesis title – “Development, Synthesis and Characterisation of Chemical Probes for PHD Fingers”

Dr Yara Alenazi

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Congratulations Yara Alenazi for completing her D.Phil, thesis title “Targeting the chemokine signalling pathway using tick saliva peptides”. Thank you to the examiners Prof. Antje Beling and Prof. Charles Redwood. (Joint supervision – Prof. Shoumo Bhattacharya)