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Kawamura Group 2021 Highlights

2021 has continued to be challenging for all of us, however the group has continued to progress and we have much to celebrate. The much anticipated Kawamura group Winter Symposium took place at last on 16th Feb 2022.  We reflected on two years since the group celebrated official handover of the Chemical biology labs (Feb 2020).  In this time we have more than doubled the footprint of the group, forged ahead with equipment purchases and set-up the synthesis/cold room space.  Thanks to all the hard work of the group! At the symposium we had a fantastic overview from the team showcasing all the diverse and exciting research happening across the… Read More »Kawamura Group 2021 Highlights

Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Biology of Peptides 2020

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Attendance at the Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Biology of Peptides 2020 in Ventura, CA, USA. (9-14/02/2020) Benoit Darlot presented his work on tick saliva protein inspired anti-inflammatory peptides to the peptide community in Ventura. Great opportunity to share the lab’s work and get inspiration from the growing peptide community. (Blog by B.D.)  

GSK Emerging Academics Symposium 2019 (Stevenage)

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Very honoured to speak at the GSK Emerging Academics Symposium 2019. Great to meet GSK scientists and UK academics, and to have the opportunity to present our work on epigenetic chemical probes.

ChemBiOX 2019

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Very well done to the Oxford-GSK-Crick Chemical Biology CDT 2017 cohort for organsing a very successful chemical biology student conference ChemBiOx 2019! Congratulations!

2019 RSC CBBG Postgraduate Symposium, Southampton

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Kawamura Group DPhil students presented their work at the RSC Chemical Biology and Bio–organic Group Postgraduate Symposium in Southampton. Great job Loane Serano, Klem Simelis, Grace Roper & Raphael Reinbold for presenting their posters, and Benoit Darlot for the oral presentation on his exciting work on anti-inflammatory peptides derived from tick saliva proteins – our collaborative work with Prof. Shoumo Bhattacharya.