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Newcastle Chemical Biology Workshop 2025

On 14th February, Newcastle University hosted a half-day Chemical Biology Workshop, in conjunction with the Babraham Institute in Cambridge.    The workshop featured two guest speakers from the Babraham: Dr Maria Christophorou who spoke about protein citrullination, and Dr Jonathan Clark who spoke about the chemistry of tendon collagen.    The other speakers included: Prof Paula Salgado (Professor of Structural Microbiology, Newcastle University); Dr Will Stanley (Associate Principal Scientist; Iksuda Therapeutics); Dr Jem Stach (Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University); and, Dr Katherine Duncan (Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University).    Thanks to the CONNECT fund, a Flexible Talent and Mobility award (FTMA) from UKRI’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), which supported… Read More »Newcastle Chemical Biology Workshop 2025

IDWGS 2025

This February, we celebrated International Women and Girls in Science Day!   Within Newcastle University’s chemical biology research groups, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and make a difference. A special thanks to all the women in the Kawamura Research Group and McAllister Lab for their incredible contributions to the field of science!  International Women and Girls in Science Day (IDWGS) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. Celebrated annually on February 11th, this day highlights the critical role women and girls play in science and technology… Read More »IDWGS 2025

Chemical Biology Winter Symposium 2024

The Kawamura and McAllister Lab research groups hosted their annual Chemical Biology Winter Symposium, blending festive cheer with intellectual stimulation!   This event provided a platform for researchers to present their work through a series of short presentations. These presentations showcased the depth and breadth of research activities, whilst facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration.  Amidst the scientific discussions, the event also included some festive fun. Participants enjoyed a Secret Santa gift exchange, and the Christmas quiz, complete with the exciting “Sink or Float” challenge, brought an element of playful competition and camaraderie among the attendees.  The day concluded with a dinner at Victor’s to celebrate the Chem Bio teams’ achievements.  Special… Read More »Chemical Biology Winter Symposium 2024

Roman, Rob & Emma Complete GNR 2024!

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Roman Belle, Rob Dawber and Emma Wadforth (aka TEAM TGIF) for their incredible achievement in completing the Great North Run 2024 to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. Their research activities are funded by CRUK so this has been a great opportunity to further support cancer research.  The Great North Run is the world’s largest half marathon. This year, a record-breaking 60,000 runners competed in this annual event, running from Newcastle to South Shields.  Roman: “We’re thrilled to be part of this event, pushing ourselves to the limit and raising vital funds to help CRUK continue our ground breaking research.”  Our team members were… Read More »Roman, Rob & Emma Complete GNR 2024!

Team Building in Durham

On 7 June, chemical biologists from the Kawamura Research Group and McAllister Lab ventured to Durham for a team away day, supported by the Newcastle University SAgE Faculty’s People Fund.  Enhancing the skills that Chem-Bio researchers need to be successful, the team day-out included interactive workshops focused on how to create effective PowerPoint presentations and conduct data analysis (for example, for IC50 which is a measure of the potency of a substance in inhibiting a specific biological or biochemical function), as well as building teamworking and communication skills.   The day also included dragon-boat racing down the River Wear (courtesy of Adventure Access), and a surprise encounter with TV presenter Matt… Read More »Team Building in Durham

Ethan Ling Completes His MChem

A huge congratulations to Ethan Ling for completing is Masters in Chemistry!  Ethan’s dissertation/research project focused on click chemistry optimisation on peptides.  We wish Ethan all the best in the next stages of his career, and we’re delighted that he was a part of the Kawamura Research Group.   

New Logo!

A special thanks to Tim Bell for using his artistic flair and creative skills to develop a new logo for the Kawamura Research Group!   Capturing the essence of our research in molecular science and chemical biology, the new design has been well received by our group’s supporters.  

What is Chemical Biology?

In 2023, members of the Kawamura Group worked closely with The Big Picture People to produce a simple video explaining what chemical biology is and a flavour of the research undertaken at Newcastle University. This project was funded by the Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust, to help communicate to a wider audience about the field of chemical biology.  In early 2024, Newcastle University staff and students dropped-in to our informal event to watch the video and meet the members of the Chemical Biology Department. As well as highlighting the team’s collection of scientific posters, attendees participated in a hands-on experiment using methylated spirit and fruit, to extract cells containing DNA, with… Read More »What is Chemical Biology?

ChemBio Winter Symposium 2023

The Kawamura Group and McAllister Lab celebrated the end of successful year of chemical biology research within Newcastle University!  The 2023 Winter Symposium, organised by Emma Wadworth, Tom Smith and Tim Bell, took place at the end of December.  Research presentations from all team members were followed by fun activities including a festive team quiz and a Secret Santa. The teams enjoyed a festive lunch at Pleased to Meet You, before some braver participants went on to karaoke.  2023 was a great year for the Chemical Biology teams which saw many achievements:  New lab facilities set-up in the Bedson Building;  Six new team members and three summer studentships;  Collaborative research… Read More »ChemBio Winter Symposium 2023

Molly’s Summer Studentship 2023

Written by Molly:  I have had such an amazing and worthwhile experience at the Kawamura Research group. Not only has this opportunity allowed me to engage in lab work to a degree far beyond what can be offered at an undergraduate level, but it has also given me insight into what a potential career in research could look like. From logic to creativity to problem solving – it has been so inspirational being surrounded by such friendly people who appear so enthusiastic and knowledgeable about science. I have learnt far more than I could have anticipated and I’m sure that the skills and knowledge that I have acquired during my… Read More »Molly’s Summer Studentship 2023