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Cake Sale Success: NU Researchers Raise Funds for CRUK

Written by Rob Dawber: Here at Newcastle University, we believe in the power of community and collaboration, not just in our research labs but also in our efforts to make a difference in the wider world. With this spirit in mind, a group of enthusiastic researchers working within the university’s Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Groups recently organized a cake sale to raise funds for Cancer Research UK – an organisation that funds much of our own research! We are thrilled to announce that our efforts were a smashing success, raising over £500 in a matter of hours!  A Sweet Initiative for a Serious Cause  In the UK alone there… Read More »Cake Sale Success: NU Researchers Raise Funds for CRUK

Race for Life 2019 – Oxford 5k

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Race for Life Oxford 5k (15/07/2019). Oxford Chemistry Research Laboratory Team raised £235 for Cancer Research UK! Big thanks to everyone who has supported us. Photo with Emily Flashman, Leah Taylor Kearney and budding chemists.