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Paper in Oncogene

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Paper in Oncogene – Systematic characterization of chromatin modifying enzymes identifies KDM3B as a critical regulator in castration resistant prostate cancer. Our collaborative work with Dr Nathan Lack’s laboratory (Koç University / Turkey and Vancouver Prostate Centre /Canada) is finally out! Hilal Saraç has led this study on how KDM3B has been identified to be important in the proliferation of castrate resistant prostate cancers. This work was funded by the Royal Society Newton Advance Fellowship. Hilal’s beautiful waterfall plot figure – epigenetic shRNA library screening identifies KDM3B (red) to be essential for CRPC proliferation 

Kawamura Group leaving do (though not quite leaving yet)

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After a few long days of packing the labs in Oxford, it was lovely to see so many people from the CRL come together for a few drinks and a relax at the Oxford Wine Café – including old group members – thank you for joining us!

Lab refurb

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Benches and shelves are up – starting to look like a lab! Very exciting.

Dr Roman Belle

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Many Congratulations to Roman Belle for successfully defending his DPhil thesis titled “Histone Lysine and DNA Methylation: Dynamic Marks in the Chromatin”! Thanks to Dr Paola Arimondo from Institute Pasteur and James McCullagh for being his examiners.

GSK Emerging Academics Symposium 2019 (Stevenage)

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Very honoured to speak at the GSK Emerging Academics Symposium 2019. Great to meet GSK scientists and UK academics, and to have the opportunity to present our work on epigenetic chemical probes.

Epigenetics exhibit at the Oxford Science + Ideas Festival

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We had a fantastic day engaging with members of the public and talking about Epigenetics at the Oxford Science + Ideas festival. Children enjoyed modifying our plasticine histone model, and everyone appreciated real world examples of how Epigenetics is an important area of research. We showed people that identical twins differ because of the different environments they experience, using NASA twins Scott and Mark Kelly as a unique example of two very different environments! We also found some great examples of how Epigenetics affects animals: bees have completely different roles based on their diet during development, and that the sex of some species of turtles differ depending on the temperature… Read More »Epigenetics exhibit at the Oxford Science + Ideas Festival

Welcome Shelley James to the Kawamura group

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Great to welcome Shelley James, a senior biological lab technician, to the Kawamura group at Newcastle University. Our first new lab member at Newcastle!

Group photo at Oxford

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Our very last day in Oxford together as one big lab family, as we prepare for our lab move up North.

Chair & Professor of Chemical Biology at Newcastle University

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Official first day as a Chair & Professor of Chemical Biology! Very excited to be joining Newcastle University and looking forward to help shape chemical biology research at Newcastle. Kawamura group will be operating both in Oxford and Newcastle during the transition period. I anticipate there will be lots of travelling up and down the country…!